CONGRATULATIONS to Gissette and Richard!
They are the winners of the "GIVING BACK TO THOSE WHO GIVE" contest.
Back in March I decided I wanted to "GIVE BACK" in my own way so I began a contest to find a deserving couple who (is getting married) and who has/is "GIVING BACK" in some way. I found Gissette and Richard....
Last year Gissette started a foundation called "Hope for Homes" which assisted people in The Dominican Republic receive basic groceries as well as small toys for the holiday season. Gissette personally began fundraising for her cause by reaching out to friends and family here in New York and in total was able to help 28 families who were struggling. Gissette quickly learned that ONE DOLLAR goes a long way in the Dominican Republic as the people there were EXTREMELY grateful. This was also life changing for Gissette, as she states, "It was one of the most wonderful and rewarding experiences of my life, being able to provide these families with enough food for a Christmas dinner was indeed amazing".
Gissette plans to officially begin her 2010 fundraising in July, so we'll keep a look out for it. Until then, if anyone would like to make a contribution, please feel free to contact me and I'll put you in touch with Gissette and.
So once again, CONGRATULATIONS to Gissette and Richard (who was there with Gissette for ALL of it, and who is now treated like "the mayor of the town" LOL !!). They will be getting married on September 4, 2011 and will be receiving a complimentary Photography Package as well as a Video Package (compliments of Juno Films)!!!!
Guys, thank you for what you do and keep up the great work!!