This is where it all two boys who I absolutely ADORE!!I get so much inspiration from them both. I would not be the person I am today if I didn't have these two monkeys in my life.'s not always easy ( feels like it's never easy ), but it IS ALWAYS worth it.....worth every grey hair they give me... ( that I pull out and refuse to accept)...
As the holiday season is quickly approaching, I'm once again contemplating on what do shoot for a Holiday card. This picture was last years card. Steven had just started driving and we were all scared, even Jayden!!!
I have no idea where I'll go with it this year yet, but I'll try to keep it clean since I got a lot of slack for my 2006 card! It's always about their lives and what's going on at THAT time...I guess we'll just have to wait and see....
I'm looking forward to posting current work as well as non-wedding related work, and also posting quick notes for WHATEVER reason..
In fact, I love fortunes from fortune cookies. Here's one of my recent favorites: "Good clothes open many doors. Go Shopping".