PRIYA AND JULIAN!! Where to begin??!! I had a feeling Priya and Julian loved pictures from 1- seeing the pictures in their home, and 2-from the engagement shoot...and boy was I right! These two troopers (along with their wonderful bridal party) didn't let anything get in the way of their love for pictures!! The cold didn't stop them, the snow falling didn't stop them, and the slushy mess didn't stop them! I LOVE YOU GUYS!! Vanessa, myself, Steven and Kristi were all on the job and we were freezing and wet, but we made it happen! We were also lucky to have PWP-"Perfect Wedding Planner" on with us which helped us alot, as well as the bride and groom. Thank you all for your wonderful work, but most of all thank you Priya and Julian. Not only have you two been a joy from our first day of meeting, but you were also so kind and generous with myself as well as my crew on your wedding day. Most people naturally get caught up in the the wedding day "craze" with so much going on. I appreciate that you never forgot about us, and always treated us like human beings. You guys are FABULOUS!!
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