Elizabeth and Alan....another great couple and another great Winter Wedding. Again, I feel very fortunate to constantly keep working with such pleasant PHOTO LOVING people!!
As (good, experienced) wedding photographers we try to guide our clients to make decisions that will ultimately make them happy when they get back their proofs. Elizabeth and Alan were not thrilled with the idea of seeing each other to shoot pictures prior to the ceremony, but they really wanted a lot of good pictures! Being that the wedding was in February, the weather and the daylight (or lack of) would play a big role in the pictures. No one likes to have to sacrifice......I hate it, but in the end these two hams decided that seeing each other prior to the ceremony was really the way to the get a variety of wedding pictures that they would treasure forever. I know NOW Elizabeth and Alan are thrilled that they sacrificed.
Elizabeth and Alan trusted their photographers (myself and Steven) and really opened up to us and I think it shows. Even when I got the "evil eye" from Elizabeth's mother for taking her outside wearing no coat....Elizabeth just smiled and asked mom to help her hold her dress : )
Alan's basketball pictures are are SO original, I love them! Kudos to Steven and Alan!! So much of Alan's personality is portrayed in his pictures, it's great!
Elizabeth and Alan....love, laughter, faith, honesty......and a SOUL TRAIN LINE!!!